


This year the new Superman Movie comes out!!

Russell Crowe, who plays Jor-El, had this to say…

“It’s very complicated, it’s really complex. I don’t think anybody has really tried to get into the psychology of what it must be like to be Superman and what people would really respond like in a modern society if somebody like that just popped up. I think Zack Snyder was given a great deal of responsibilty because when it comes to comic book heroes and superhero films the top of the food chain is Superman. I think the biggest indicator for me of how it’s looking is that the financier of the film has sent me gushing emails, he just loves it.

“I’m really looking foward to seeing it, it’s a massive undertaking. It takes you on the ground to Krypton, it takes you to a planet where the sun is four times larger than ours and you get to experience that stuff and if you’ve seen the trailers you realize that this Superman is not just floating through the air held up by a wire, this Superman is super sonic. I’m really looking forward to the way that people will respond to it.”

Should be



